
Amity Pearl Trading Co 安美貿易公司 / Amilee Pearl Company 泰美珍珠行

casa > prodotti > Coin Pearl, Star-Shaped Pearl, Flat Teardrop Shaped Pearl, Flat Oval Pearl

Coin Perle, perla a forma di stella, flat teardrop shaped pearl, flat oval pearl

fili di perle - perla a forma di stella

10mm: bianco

fili di perle - Coin Perle - Side-forati Perle

11mm : bianco

12mm : color pavone, rosa

fili di perle - Coin Perle - Perle irregolari

15x18mm : rosa

Perle sciolte - Coin Perle - Perle non forati

10-11mm : colore arancione

13-15mm : bianco

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110020 coin pearl strand.jpg
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110021 coin pearl strand.jpg
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3157 star-shaped pearl strand about 10mm white.jpg
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3219 top drilled irregular coin pearl strand about 12-14mm x 16-22mm pink.jpg
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3220 coin pearl strand about 10.5-11mm white.jpg
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3261 coin pearl strand about 12-14mm pink.jpg
3103 peacock color coin pearl 12mm.jpg
3103 peacock color coin pearl 12mm.jpg
3104 peacock color coin pearl 12.5-13mm.jpg
3104 peacock color coin pearl 12.5-13mm.jpg
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6713 coin pearl about 13mm white undrilled.jpg
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6714 flat oval shape pearl 8-11mm white half drilled vertically at the top.jpg
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6715 flat drop shape pearl 13x19mm white full drilled.jpg
er5055 freshwater coin pearl earring about 10mm.jpg
er5055 freshwater coin pearl earring about 10mm
Coin pearl 9-11mm undrilled orange.JPG
6338 coin pearl about 10-11mm undrilled peach color

***Istruzioni del carrello: quantità, spedizione, pagamento***

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