
Amity Pearl Trading Co 安美貿易公司 / Amilee Pearl Company 泰美珍珠行

домой > продукты > Keshi Pearl

Кеши жемчуг

Keshi Pearls are available in different shapes and colors. New stock is available!

Жемчужные нити - Кеши жемчуг


4197 Center-drilled Keshi Pearl 4-5mm.JPG
4197 Center-drilled Keshi Pearl 4-5mm.JPG
3109 dyed light gold color keshi pearl 5mm.jpg
3109 dyed light gold color keshi pearl 5mm.jpg
3177 keshi pearl 5mm silver color.jpg
3177 keshi pearl 5mm silver color.jpg
3179 keshi pearl 5mm blue.jpg
3179 keshi pearl 5mm blue.jpg
3178 keshi pearl 6-6.5mm blue.jpg
3178 keshi pearl 6-6.5mm blue.jpg
3183 keshi pearl 6.5-7mm grey blue.jpg
3183 keshi pearl 6.5-7mm grey blue.jpg
3180 keshi pearl 7mm green.jpg
3180 keshi pearl 7mm green.jpg
3110 centerdrilled keshi graduated size 7x12mm.jpg
3110 centerdrilled keshi graduated size 7x12mm.jpg
3112 light grey keshi pearl 8x11mm.jpg
3112 light grey keshi pearl 8x11mm.jpg
3111 grey keshi pearl 10-11mm.jpg
3111 grey keshi pearl 10-11mm.jpg
3105 purple gold color keshi pearl 10x16-18mm.jpg
3105 purple gold color keshi pearl 10x16-18mm.jpg
6386a keshi pearl 13-17mm x 16-22mm creamy white color undrilled.jpg
6386a keshi pearl 13-17mm x 16-22mm creamy white color undrilled.jpg
6386b keshi pearl 13-17mm x 16-22mm creamy white color undrilled.jpg
6386b keshi pearl 13-17mm x 16-22mm creamy white color undrilled.jpg
6162 keshi pearl undrilled 12mm and above.jpg

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