
Amity Pearl Trading Co 安美貿易公司 / Amilee Pearl Company 泰美珍珠行

casa > prodotti > Perle sciolte > Irregular Loose Pearl

Perle sciolte - Perle irregolari

Perle sciolte - Perle irregolari - Perle non forati

1-1.5mm : bianco

2.5mm : bianco, colore viola (colore naturale), color oro (colore naturale)

2-2.5mm : bianco, colore viola (colore naturale), orange Farbe (Naturfarbe)

2.5-3mm : bianco, colore viola (colore naturale)

10-11mm : bianco, colore viola (colore naturale), orange Farbe (Naturfarbe)

12-13mm : bianco, colore viola (colore naturale), orange Farbe (Naturfarbe)

13-14mm : bianco, colore viola (colore naturale), orange Farbe (Naturfarbe)

14-15mm : bianco

15-16mm : bianco

17-18mm : bianco

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6650 irregular stick pearl white undrilled.jpg
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6694 freshwater irregular flat pearl.jpg
6382a irregular flat pearl white.jpg
6382a irregular flat pearl white.jpg
6382b irregular flat pearl white.jpg
6382b irregular flat pearl white.jpg
6383a irregular flat pearl white.jpg
6383a irregular flat pearl white.jpg
6383b irregular flat pearl white.jpg
6383b irregular flat pearl white.jpg
6384 irregular flat pearl white half drilled front and back.jpg
6384 irregular flat pearl white half drilled front and back.jpg
6129 irregular flat pearl 12-17mm.jpg
6129 irregular flat pearl 12-17mm.jpg
6161 irregular pearl undrilled.jpg
6161 irregular pearl undrilled.jpg
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